FLAME____ Why is the kernel source not included

Filippos Klironomos PresarioD at gmail.com
Fri Oct 15 15:42:37 UTC 2004

> As Jakob mentioned earlier, properly-written modules should be built against
> the headers in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build rather than /usr/src; it may well
> be that lots of module providers don't currently do this despite the fact that
> it's been the standard way of doing things for some time time now, but if the
> module writers can't keep up with the build system, they're hardly likely to
> be able to keep up with changes in the underlying kernel either.

I have another probably silly question. Doesn't /lib/modules/`uname
-r`/build usually point to /usr/src/linux?

I would swear it does, but I am away from my machine right now...

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