FLAME____ Why is the kernel source not included

Ken Johanson fedora at kensystem.com
Fri Oct 15 23:18:56 UTC 2004

Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 12:59 -0600, Ken Johanson wrote:
>>Wrong. Source is *no longer* being included in the install discs, 
>>relegating one to searching redhat's site or prior downloading of 
>>4*650MB=2.6 Gigs or source RPMs
> Oh, come on... I'm no expert, and even *I* know that this...
> # wget -c ftp://$YOURMIRROR/$PATH/kernel*rpm
Humpph. I'll remember that the next time a gig-e card isnt supported. 
Again diversion from the point using a wortkaround solution that doesnt 
fit every bill. You think I didnt know that? And how many new users do 
you think *do* know that. Again, falling off the point. Funny, a point 
-diversionist comes along every 30 minutes. If I had a nickel...
> ...will get me a small subset of files in which I am *guaranteed* to
> find the right one. Better commands (...kernel-smp*rpm) could easily be
> created for an even smaller set. If you even contemplate downloading the
> entire 2.6GB of SRPMS just to get one, you don't have the Clue you claim
> to have.
>>e simp
>>A divergence from the point that the source is *not available* 
> Not available on the first four disks, you mean. OK fine, I see your
> point. But:
>   1. If 95% of users (a guess) don't need it, then putting it on those
> disks for everyone instead of forcing 5% to wget it is an enormous waste
> of bandwidth and space.

And time, right? Surely this cant be labeled a same-story for the 95% of 
the apps that are still on those distro disks that people dont use -- 
many of which are needed, far, far, far, FAR less then the kernel 
source. Do you dare me to name examples????? Again, nice defensive arg 
but not sale here.

>   2. And since in *most* cases you will have access to a far newer
> kernel when installing a system, wgetting a source may be even simpler,
> easier, and less work.


>   3. "There seems to be space on the disks to include it, so why not?"
> is a rough quote from a previous post of yours. Isn't that what got us
> to FOUR DISKS of stuff to download in the first place?

Yes, and I assert that things on those disk as far less deserving of 
being on there than the very heartbeat itself. ...... Or do you not 
agree.. please say yes or no.

> I can see why you would resent the inconvenience to you of moving the
> kernel source to a SRPM and to another disk. Fine. But from there to
> your rant about its being "not available" as though it had been entirely
> withheld from you and the constitution is being burned in effigy,
> well... that's a far cry and smacks of fearmongering.
> Just download the four binary CD's and issue one additional wget
> command... what is so god-awful hard about that?

Seem my previous posts, tired of retyping for everyone who doesnt 
understand the reasons. Sorry.

> Cheers,

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