FC2 volume control issue (not the UI)

Kevin J. Cummings cummings at kjchome.homeip.net
Tue Oct 19 20:50:14 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am Di, den 19.10.2004 schrieb Neil Weisenfeld um 16:54:
>>I just found that /etc/init.d/halt has an "alsactl store" but there 
>>doesn't seem to be an "alsactl restore" anywhere.
>>I suspect that will solve the issue.
> Then have a look at /etc/modprobe.conf and you'll find the "alsactl
> restore".

I originally "upgraded" from RH9.0 to FC2, and I had to set up my 
entries in modprobe.conf by hand in order to work.  It was through the 
help of others answering this question that I found out *what* to put in 
  modprobe.conf in order to make it work right.  And putting the 
"alsactl restore" in the halt script is not the best solution either. 
That means that the settings only get saved *if* you shut down properly 
after you configure it the way you want to.  Too often, I make changes 
(expecting them to be saved when I make them), only to have a power 
failure or machine hang force me to reboot without the changes getting 
saved.  A less than optimal solution in my mind.  However, the comment 
in /etc/init.d/halt does say "for lack of a better place".  Obviously, 
the developers are aware of this....

Kevin J. Cummings
kjchome at rcn.com
cummings at kjchome.homeip.net
cummings at kjc386.framingham.ma.us

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