615 megabytes!!!

Michael A. Peters mpeters at
Fri Oct 22 16:58:51 UTC 2004

On 10/22/2004 09:41:50 AM, Douglas Furlong wrote:

> It is a problem for those with laptops and small hard drives, but I'm
> not sure if there was a solution mentioned.

There's been a solution for ages - it's called AbiWord/Gnumric ;)

OK seriously - %lang in the spec file should take of that.  
Unfortunately anaconda doesn't seem to set that up for you anymore, so  
you end up getting all lang files.

The reason was (I think) a problem with rpm - there was no way to  
really add a lang post install that you decided you wanted later. Why  
rpm can't extract the specific lang files from the install CD's I don't  
know - but the right way to do it imho is %lang in the spec file.

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