insmod problem

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at
Fri Oct 22 19:47:27 UTC 2004

Am Fr, den 22.10.2004 schrieb Linn Kubler um 21:42:

> Ok, that worked, cool!  However, now I see that I have the option to
> boot to either version of the kernel when my computer starts.  Is
> there a reason to keep the older version around?  If not, should I
> remove it?  If so, how does one do that?

> Linn

The old kernel sits there for security. If the new one does not boot or
makes other trouble you have the chance to still boot with the old one.
I would keep the old kernel quite a while, until you are sure you have
no problems with the new one. You then can uninstall the old kernel: rpm
-e kernel-$version.


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 2 (Tettnang) kernel 2.6.8-1.521smp 
Serendipity 21:45:02 up 2 days, 18:24, load average: 1.11, 1.33, 1.41 
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