Apache, FC2 and Virtual Servers

Eucke Warren euckew at sierraelectronics.com
Fri Oct 22 20:30:52 UTC 2004

I seem to be going in circles.  I am trying to get the Virtual Servers feature working on Apache.  I have a couple of virtual servers configured with entries pointing to the correct directories and listening for the appropriate IP addresses....I even have the eth0 and eth1 entries....however...everything points to the default test page and does not appear to be looking for the entries I have specified.  I am guessing that there is a switch somewhere that need to be changed that I keep walking across but cannot seem to locate it....I did manually fix the xml scripting error in service-httpd-conf but this one has me stymied...can anyone point me in the right direction as I am striking out via google and apache....FC2 specific issue?

Here is the tail end of my httpd.conf

# Virtual host darth2
        DocumentRoot /home/netwitts/html/
        ErrorLog /home/logs/netwitts-error_log
        ServerAdmin webmaster at netwitts.com
        ServerName www.netwitts.com
        TransferLog /home/logs/netwitts-access_log
        ErrorLog /home/logs/netwitts-error_log

# Virtual host Default Host

<VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot /home/
        ServerAdmin webmaster at netwitts.com
        ServerName _default_:80
        <Directory "/home/">
                Options all
                AllowOverride none


# Virtual host

        ErrorLog /home/logs/grassroots-error_log
        ServerAdmin webmaster at netwitts.com
        ServerName www.grassrootslandscaping.com
        TransferLog /home/logs/grassroots-access_log
        ErrorLog /home/logs/grassroots-error_log

If config shows both IP's live and active on the one NIC that the system has.  Any help?  Thanks!

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