Java plugin

James McKenzie jjmckenzie51 at
Mon Oct 25 02:03:19 UTC 2004


I downloaded the 1.4.2 jre rpm from Sun.Com for Linux.  This is 
(according to Sun and others) the only way to get the plugin.  install 
the rpm using "rpm -ivh <jre_rpm_file>".  Change directories to 
/usr/java.  Navigate to the ns610-gcc32 directory.  There should be one 
and only one file.  Change directories to the mozilla plugins 
directory.  You must build a symbolic link to the file in the 
ns610-gcc32 directory.  Do not copy the file as this will not work. 
Once you do the above, start mozilla and click on the help -> 
about:plugins.  You should see a page with the plugin and file types 
supported by the plugin.  If you do not, recheck that the symbolic link 
is correct and working.
The plugin web page at Sun's web page has very detailed instructions on 
how to install the JRE and plugin, this is just the 'short-short' version.

James McKenzie

Mark Knights wrote:

>i have followed the online plugin details that I could find for JRE
>(Java Runtime Environment) and Mozilla 1.7.etc and it did not seem to
>Can anyone give me a foolproof way to install the JRE?

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