mysql 4.x and fedoracore2

Paul Howarth paul at
Wed Oct 27 16:29:08 UTC 2004

Birju Prajapati wrote:
> OK...what I dont get is that there are so many websites that profit from 
> MySQL running things other than PHP (where there is an 'optional GPL 
> Licence').

An exception has to be made for PHP because the PHP license is not GPL-compatible.

> So are these companies 'distributing binaries'?

No, they're not. They're running an application and not necessarily 
distributing that application to anyone else.

> Will they have to reveal their source?


> Can HTML be defined as a binary??!!

No. It's not linked to the MySQL database.

> If the website has a Java applet, this is a binary, right?

It's a binary but it's not linked to the MySQL libraries so it doesn't need to 
be GPL.


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