A welcoming email

Austin Isler a_c_isler at verizon.net
Wed Oct 27 16:06:02 UTC 2004

Trevor Smith wrote:

>On October 20, 2004 11:21 am, Guy Fraser wrote:
>>We have more than enough here in Canada, too bad its illegal for you to
>>buy it
>Newsflash: the US drug companies want a certain level of profit. If they make 
>less on sales to us, the must make more on sales to the Americans (and maybe 
>Europeans & Japanese).
>If the US drug companies lose sales/profit to American consumers because they 
>sell cheaply to us and we resell to their customers, our prices will go up. 
>(I'm in Canada for those who have missed that.)
>So stop gloating. People in Canada who don't realize this and think it's all a 
>"big conspiracy" by the US companies miss the point that we, as Canadians, 
>are part of that conspiracy and our "cheap drugs" won't last if we laugh too 
>loudly at the people who are getting screwed (the American consumer).
>This, of course, does not include home-grown Canadian substances that our 
>friends out west provide so well. :-)
Canadian greens have nothing on California's Humbolt County.


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