OT backup mysql databases

Christopher Hicks chicks at chicks.net
Wed Oct 27 21:07:12 UTC 2004

On 27 Oct 2004, Edwin Dicker shaped electrons to convey:
> I have a few small mysql databases on my system. I backup my whole 
> system every week with a cpio backup to tape. Is a cpio backup good 
> enough for mysql databases? If I restore the /var/lib/mysql directory 
> structure, will i have full access again ? Do I need to stop the mysqld 
> service before creating the backup ?

Running mysqldump on each tablespace (including the mysql tablespace) 
would be much cleaner and not require any shutdown of mysql.  The backups 
of the /var/lib/mysql directory may or may not be consistant depending on 
whether there's any update activity at that point.  (And mysql can delay 
updates so there may be update activity after there's noone connected for 
a short time.)


There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make
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is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

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