installing msttcorefonts

Joshua Lee joshua613 at
Tue Sep 7 21:10:15 UTC 2004

> After doing the rpmbuild --bb you should have a msttcorefonts-1.3-4.noarch.rpm
> file. What's in it?
> rpm -qlp msttcorefonts-1.3-4.noarch.rpm

Just the *.ttf fonts located in the /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts
hierarchy. Nothing else.

I gave up on getting the specfile to work and manually extracted the
*.ttf fonts from the original cab files into ~/.fonts. Now gtk2
packages recognize them and I'm more or less happy. If you can suggest
how to get this to work though I'd appreciate it, since it probably
would make it work for all applications.

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