/ space usage

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Tue Sep 21 12:04:30 UTC 2004

Mark Haney wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-09-20 at 17:26, Paul Howarth wrote:
>>Are any of the files from /var/spool/clientmqueue left, or did you
>>delete them all? Files put there by sendmail will start with "df" (data
>>files, the message body of an email, owned by the user sending the
>>mail), and "qf" (queue files, containing the headers and various other
>>sundry bits of information, owned by smmsp). There should be one of each
>>file per email sent.
>>Paul Howarth <paul at city-fan.org>
> Actually I deleted them all, but there were a mix of df and qf files in
> there.

Have any more turned up since?


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