Time difference between Win98 and Fedora

antonio montagnani anto.montagnani at virgilio.it
Wed Sep 22 16:47:11 UTC 2004

Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote/ha scritto, On/il 22/09/2004 18:22:

>On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 16:30, Jeff Vian wrote:
>>Windows resets system time with the daylight savings time changes (twice
>>a year).  Linux leaves system time alone and makes the change in
>>software to display DST.  When you do dual boot in an environment where
>>DST is used you will see this discrepancy.
>>I know of no way to make the two systems play nice together as relates
>>to time.
>Simple: Since Windows will set the hardware clock to local time, simply
>tell Linux that the hardware clock does *not* use UTC. Configure the
>time zone and DST correctly in both OS's.
>Now that Linux and Windows both expect the hardware clock to represent
>local time, both will attempt to keep it correct at that setting. No
>further problems should occur.
You will have only to boot in Windows when daylight saving time is 
switched on/off, that is twice a year.......


 Antonio M.

 Working with  Mozilla 1.7.2 on Redhat Linux Fedora Core 2
     Uso Mozilla 1.7.2 su Redhat Linux Fedora Core 2

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