How to make linux ping behaves like MS ping?

Beast beast at
Sat Apr 2 04:23:46 UTC 2005

marckasten wrote:
>>Is there any way to make ping in linux behave like ping in MS Windows?
> Well, there are only a couple of differences.
> First, only four ping packets.
> Second, print request timed out (or similar).
> If you "man ping", you'll get all the options that come stock with this useful command.
> If you type:
> ping -c 4 a.b.c.d
> (where a.b.c.d is a network address), you'll get four ping packets to that address.  Since FC is looking to show you the output on that, you'll get something like:
> [code]
> [marc at DaClown marc]$ ping -c 4
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>>From icmp_seq=0 Destination Host Unreachable
>>From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
>>From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
>>From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

Aah, yes. I only focus on -W options in linux never look at -c, because 
in windows I mostly use -t options which is unlimited count until stopped.

Thanks for your help.

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