log.d/scripts/services/sshd - does not work with FC3 and sshd?

B Wooster bwooster47 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 23:50:57 UTC 2005

So on FC3 I keep getting the daily logwatch email, and it reports on
all the people trying to break into my sshd server, but looks like the

 m/^Failed (\S+) for illegal user (.*) from ([^ ]+) port (\d+)/ ) { #openssh

is wrong, it should be:
m/^Failed (\S+) for invalid user (.*) from ([^ ]+) port (\d+)/ ) {

similarly for other lines, such as User not allowed.
script is not right for FC3.

Does anyone else with FC3, and ssh enabled, have these problems?
Not sure if I should submit a bug report (I did send email to the
person listed in the logwatch script, but received no response).

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