xinetd.d listening twice on port 69

Mark Sargent powderkeg at
Thu Apr 7 04:25:27 UTC 2005

Mark Sargent wrote:

> David Curry wrote:
>> Mark Sargent wrote:
>>> David Curry wrote:
>>>> Andy Green wrote:
>>>>> But I am still bemused by the two listening sockets on the same port
>>>>> being possible.  Maybe it is some kind of cool load balancing 
>>>>> feature I
>>>>> never heard of.  Can anyone else here explain how it can be?
>>>>> - -Andy
>>>> May be this is a dumb question from a clueless neophyte, but does 
>>>> the phenomenon constitute a security problem that needs to be 
>>>> addressed?
>>> Hi All,
>>> David, do you mean as to how the file /etc/xine.conf came to have 
>>> the data regarding tftp.? It is rather interesting that it did, as I 
>>> most certainly didn't add it. I even reproduced the installation 
>>> process, of both the rpm install, and the original install, via yum, 
>>> and neither add anything to the .conf of xinetd. They only add tftp 
>>> files to xinetd.d. Cheers.
>>> Mark Sargent.
>> In part, yes.  The question had dual context.  One dimension was 
>> whether your situation arose from being hacked.  The other more 
>> general context was whther or not dual listening on a port presented 
>> an opportunity for security exploit.
> Hi All,
> ok, I'm gonna go a little off-topic here, maybe. When I 1st started at 
> this company 3mths ago, about the 2nd week,  I think, I posted a lot 
> on Cisco's forums, as I was hired by a hardware reseller to 
> reinstall/reset to defaults etc Cisco switches/routers. Now, I'm not a 
> pro, as I was intro'd to this job by 2 friends, both CCNPs who work in 
> IT here in Tokyo. They know the shop owner. Anyway, back to that 2nd 
> week, and after I had posted something on Cisco's forum, I think 
> perhaps the next day, I did a google for something that was similar to 
> the post I had posted. Anyway, that post, or part of it, appeared as 
> one of goolge's finds, only, that the post had this as the lead in to 
> what "I" had "wrote". "If only my employer knew how long I was 
> spending on the cisco forums". And the rest was from my post. Now, I 
> thought, woah, what the.....but, well, just put it down to, well, 
> something weird. Anyway, I don't know if it's related or not. My firm 
> has no real data that is worth hacking, that I can think of, but, 
> well, one never knows. My PC is running Firestarter and is also behind 
> a router with it's firewall set. I've even tested it at the security 
> testing sites. Ah, well, as I said, probably off-topic, eh. Cheers.
> Mark Sargent.
Hi All,

well, this just keeps improving. Now, with only 1 instance of xinetd 
listening on port 69 udp and tftp definitely installed,

[root at localhost ~]# netstat -nutlp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign 
Address             State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      5254/jserver
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      4651/rpc.statd
tcp        0      0       *                   LISTEN      5112/xinetd
tcp        0      0       *                   LISTEN      5297/mysqld
tcp        0      0        *                   LISTEN      5112/xinetd
tcp        0      0        *                   LISTEN      4631/portmap
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      5467/perl
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      4938/cupsd
tcp        0      0     *                   LISTEN      4904/mDNSResponder
tcp        0      0       *                   LISTEN      5132/sendmail: acce
tcp        0      0 :::80                       
:::*                        LISTEN      5163/httpd
tcp        0      0 :::22                       
:::*                        LISTEN      5101/sshd
udp        0      0     *         
udp        0      0     *         5467/perl
udp        0      0        *         
udp        0      0      *         
udp        0      0      *         
udp        0      0       *         
udp        0      0      *         
udp        0      0       *         4938/cupsd
[root at localhost ~]# cat /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
# default: off
# description: The tftp server serves files using the trivial file 
transfer #  protocol.  The tftp protocol is often used to boot diskless 
#    workstations, download configuration files to network-aware 
printers, # and to start the installation process for some operating 
service tftp
        socket_type             = dgram
        protocol                = udp
        wait                    = yes
        user                    = root
        server                  = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
        server_args             = -c -s /tftpboot
        disable                 = no
        per_source              = 11
        cps                     = 100 2
        flags                   = IPv4
[root at localhost ~]# cd /usr/sbin
[root at localhost sbin]# ls
accept                                 nfsstat
accton                                 nhfsgraph
acpid                                  nhfsnums
adduser                                nhfsrun
adsl-connect                           nhfsstone
adsl-setup                             nmbd
adsl-start                             nscd
adsl-status                            nstat
adsl-stop                              ntpd
alsactl                                ntpdate
alternatives                           ntpdc
anacron                                ntp-keygen
apachectl                              ntpq
apmd                                   ntptime
arping                                 ntptrace
atd                                    ntp-wait
atrun                                  ntsysv
authconfig                             packer
automount                              pcbitctl
avcstat                                ping6
avmcapictrl                            pmap_dump
bonobo-activation-sysconf              pmap_set
build-locale-archive                   pppd
cannakill                              pppdump
cannaserver                            pppoe
capiinit                               pppoe-relay
capinfos                               pppoe-server
chat                                   pppoe-sniff
chkfontpath                            pppstats
chpasswd                               praliases
chroot                                 prelink
clockdiff                              printconf
convertquota                           printconf-backend
cpfs.reiserfs                          printconf-tui
cpuspeed                               pvchange
crond                                  pvcreate
cupsaccept                             pvdisplay
cupsaddsmb                             pvmove
cupsd                                  pvremove
cupsreject                             pvresize
dbconverter-2                          pvs
dbskkd-cdb                             pvscan
ddcprobe                               pwck
dftest                                 pwconv
dhcpd                                  pwmconfig
dhcrelay                               pwunconv
dmidecode                              qtparted
dongle_attach                          quotastats
dump-acct                              ramsize
dump-utmp                              rcapid
editcap                                rdev
edquota                                rdistd
ethereal                               readahead
ethtool                                readprofile
execcap                                reject
exportfs                               repquota
ext2online                             resizefs.reiserfs
fancontrol                             rhn_check                          rhn_register
fbset                                  rhnreg_ks
filefrag                               rhnsd
findchip                               rootflags
firestarter                            rotatelogs
firstboot                              rpc.gssd
fix-mouse-psaux                        rpc.idmapd
foomatic-addpjloptions                 rpcinfo
foomatic-fix-xml                       rpc.mountd
foomatic-getpjloptions                 rpc.nfsd
foomatic-kitload                       rpc.rquotad
foomatic-nonumericalids                rpc.svcgssd
foomatic-ppdload                       rtacct
foomatic-preferred-driver              rtstat
foomatic-printermap-to-gimp-print-xml  run_init
foomatic-replaceoldprinterids          run_qtparted
fstab-sync                             sa
gdmconfig                              safe_finger
gdm-restart                            saned
gdm-safe-restart                       sasl2-shared-mechlist
gdmsetup                               sasl2-static-mechlist
gdm-stop                               saslauthd
genhomedircon                          saslauthd1-checkpass
getenforce                             sasldblistusers
getpcaps                               sasldblistusers2
getsebool                              saslpasswd
glibc_post_upgrade                     saslpasswd2
glibc_post_upgrade.i686                selinuxenabled
gnome-pty-helper                       sendmail
gpm                                    sendmail.sendmail
groupadd                               sensors-detect
groupdel                               serviceconf
groupmod                               sesh
grpck                                  sestatus
grpconv                                setenforce
grpunconv                              setfiles
hald                                   setpcaps
hardlink                               setquota
hisaxctrl                              setsebool
hotsmtpd                               setup
hotwayd                                showmount
htt                                    siggen
httpd                                  smartctl
httpd.worker                           smartd
hwclock                                smbd
i2cdetect                              smrsh
i2cdump                                snmpd
i2cset                                 snmptrapd
ibod                                   ss
icnctrl                                sshd
iconvconfig                            stunnel
iconvconfig.i686                       sucap
idl2eth                                suexec
imon                                   system-cdinstall-helper
imontty                                system-config-kickstart
inetdconvert                           system-config-network
inputattach                            system-config-network-cmd
internet-druid                         system-config-network-druid
in.tftpd                               system-config-network-gui
ipppd                                  system-config-network-tui
ipppstats                              system-config-packages
iprofd                                 system-config-printer
irattach                               system-config-printer-tui
irdaping                               system-config-services
irqbalance                             system-install-packages
isadump                                sys-unconfig
isaset                                 tcpd
isdnctrl                               tcpdump
isdndial                               tcpslice
isdnhangup                             testsaslauthd
isdnlog                                tethereal
isdnstatus                             text2pcap
javaconfig                             tickadj
kbdrate                                timeconfig
ksconfig                               tmpwatch
kudzu                                  togglesebool
lchage                                 tracepath
lgroupadd                              tracepath6
lgroupdel                              traceroute
lgroupmod                              traceroute6
libgcc_post_upgrade                    tripwire
lid                                    try-from
lnewusers                              tunefs.reiserfs
load_policy                            tunelp
lockdev                                twadmin
logrotate                              twprint
logwatch                               up2date
lokkit                                 up2date-config
longrun                                up2date-nox
loopctrl                               update-alternatives
lpadmin                                useradd
lpasswd                                userdel
lpc                                    userhelper
lpc.cups                               userisdnctl
lpinfo                                 usermod
lpmove                                 usernetctl
lsof                                   utempter
luseradd                               vboxd
luserdel                               vgcfgbackup
lusermod                               vgcfgrestore
lvchange                               vgchange
lvcreate                               vgck
lvdisplay                              vgconvert
lvextend                               vgcreate
lvm                                    vgdisplay
lvmchange                              vgexport
lvmdiskscan                            vgextend
lvmsadc                                vgimport
lvmsar                                 vgmerge
lvreduce                               vgmknodes
lvremove                               vgreduce
lvrename                               vgremove
lvresize                               vgrename
lvs                                    vgs
lvscan                                 vgscan
mailstats                              vgsplit
makemap                                vidmode
mergecap                               vigr
mkdict                                 vipw
mklost+found                           visudo
mksock                                 warnquota
mkzonedb                               winbindd
modeline2fb                            x86info
module_upgrade                         xinetd
mouseconfig                            yppoll
mtr                                    ypset
neat                                   yptest
neat-tui                               zdump
netconfig                              zic

it is now not working. If I try to put a file from say host pc /tftptest 
to /tftpboot or if I try to upload a file from a switch nothing happens,

Switch#copy start tftp
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [switch-confg]?

[root at localhost ~]# tftp
tftp> connect
tftp> status
Connected to
Mode: netascii Verbose: off Tracing: off
Rexmt-interval: 5 seconds, Max-timeout: 25 seconds
tftp> put /tftptest /tftpboot

Now, I can definitely ping from/to the pc/switch. Firewall allows 
connection. /tftptest permissions,

[root at localhost ~]# ls -alh /tftptest
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root 0 Apr  7 13:20 /tftptest

Does someone upstairs not want me to be able to tftp..? Driving me nutz. 

Mark Sargent.

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