CD hiss: how get rid of?

Charles E Taylor IV tomalek at
Mon Apr 11 19:28:53 UTC 2005

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 15:05:39 -0400
Douglas Frank <frank at> wrote:

> Hi all,

> Much as I hate to admit it, music CD's sound a lot better on the Windows
> box than on my FC3 workstation using kscd.  The problem is a high-
> frequency hiss that I can't control.  Does anyone know the trick of
> dolbying the hiss into silence?  (Of course I could just turn the sound
> up, or limit myself to ZZ Top...)

Check the volume sliders in alsamixer (or whatever mixing app you use). 
The hiss you describe can be caused by having the mic input (or another
input) to your sound card active.  Some sounds cards are noisy unless
the mic input is muted (not just turned down).  (If this is the problem,
you should be getting the hiss all the time, not just during CD playback.)

If that fails, try playing the CD with XMMS's CD audio plugin (and select
Digital Extraction).  If that quiets your system, maybe your analog audio
cable from the CD drive to the sound card should be reseated - or just use
XMMS to play your CDs.

*  Charles Taylor <tomalek at>
*  Chemistry instructor / Mad scientist / Linux enthusiast!
*  Web:

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