ideal partitionning for a workstation user

Joel Jaeggli joelja at
Tue Apr 12 11:49:32 UTC 2005

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005, hicham wrote:

> Hello
>  what 's the ideal partitionning for a workstation user  ?
> I've got a small /boot partition with 20 Mo aand the remaining for /
> the reason I'm asking this is that it seems that everytime I have lot
> of read write on the hard disk,( yum update for example)  it "lags" or
> stalls my pc

if your machine is swapping and you're both reading and writing to other 
sections of the disk you can expect lo performance. The only real 
solutions are more ram or more or faster disks.

> is there a "magic partition" software for linux users ?

obviously the optimum partitioning scheme is the one that puts all your 
data close together... that isn't very practical if you intend to use most 
of the disk anyway so that basically just re-arranging the deck chairs on 
the titanic.

> thanks
> hicham.

Joel Jaeggli  	       Unix Consulting 	       joelja at 
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