maximize a terminal window from within a script

g b gbofspam at
Fri Apr 15 00:31:37 UTC 2005

On 4/13/05, Claude Jones <claude_jones at> wrote:
> Is there a command I can use first in a script after the one that opens the
> terminal, to maximize the terminal window? Alternatively, is there a command
> that will set a specified window size?

Are you using konsole? If so, then DCOP will do it for you.  Your only
problem would be identifying which console it is.  If its the one that
has focus, then its relatively easy to do:

for KONSOLE in $(dcop | grep ^konsole-); do $($(dcop $KONSOLE
"konsole-mainwindow#1" "isActiveWindow()")) && dcop $KONSOLE
"konsole-mainwindow#1" "maximize()" ; done

(That little lot should be all on one line)

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