mplayer as dependency error

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Thu Aug 11 17:25:43 UTC 2005

Bernd Radinger wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 22:23:23 +0100, Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm at> wrote:
>>The above sounds as if ATrpms is a use-alone repo, while it's
>> that chose to live inside walls :(
> ...and fedora core, too - shame on them! ;-)

As I have been burned by this issue in the past I have my own feelings.

1.  The core production team is the standard to work to.  If core 
changes something, then the repositories must follow suite.  Of course I 
wish the core team would follow the home sites some times as the 
individual packages should be the standard.

2.  Repositories should work together and this is one of the issues that 
makes the adoption of Linux a real pain.  Why does a package from one 
site conflict and prevent an update from core being applied.  In my 
opinion, if a core upgrade package cannot be installed over a repository 
package, then the repository is the problem.

3.  Some repositories are trying to work together.  This is a good sign 
and heading in the correct direction.  Some other repositories may not 
like the idea but if they want Linux to get ahead, then it is necessary.

Here is a good link that I read yesterday on this issue.

Now if other sites can follow this lead.

I have just installed a new machine and I won't use repositories that 
don't work together as I do not need the headaches that I have come 
across in the past by mixing.
Robin Laing

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