smb mounts

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Fri Aug 12 12:39:44 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 07:46 -0400, Neal Becker wrote:

> Build/install smb4k and use kde.  You'll love it.

I just removed KDE, so I can't try it, but looking at a website about
it, that just looks like network browsing.  Does it extend the feature
to other applications though?  (i.e. Beyond Konqueror.)

So, for example, if you were using your word processor and wanted to
open or save a file over the network, you could use a remote path that
wasn't mounted somewhere onto the directory tree?

It sounded like the original poster wanted to do something like that,
and I know I have from time to time.  On Windows I never bothered with
mounting SMB shares to a drive letter, but on Linux I've had to do
something like that for remote resources.

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