FC4 - File selection dialog question

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Fri Aug 12 16:43:32 UTC 2005


I finally have FC4 installed and running but I have come across one 
major headache.  It may be gnome related so I will have to check the 
gnome site as I hope for an answer.

I go to open a file or change a setting but I don't have the ability to 
type in the file location and only access to point and click.

In some cases, I have ".name" directories setup and I need to get access 
to them but I don't have the ability and I don't want the default 
installation to display them.

Also, for many tasks, typing in the location is much quicker that point 
and click through a whole list of displays.

How can I configure the file load/save dialogs to allow me to type in 
the paths/file names.  This is presently affecting my usage of FC4 as I 
cannot access the files I need to.

Robin Laing
Instrumentation Technologist   Voice: 1.403.544.4762
Military Engineering Section   FAX:   1.403.544.4704
Defence R&D Canada - Suffield  Email: Robin.Laing at DRDC-RDDC.gc.ca
PO Box 4000, Station Main      WWW:http://www.suffield.drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Medicine Hat, AB, T1A 8K6

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