Update - yum -y not downloading data...

Jonathan Underwood j.underwood at open.ac.uk
Sat Aug 13 17:20:14 UTC 2005

Steven Bradley wrote:

> I've spent much of the last THREE WEEKS reviewing and attempting
> installations and it appears Fedora is impossible.

This really isn't the case.

> In comes Fedora Core 4 . I make the CDs, I install the product, and with a
> fast processor and lots of space, I select Everything for package choice,
> around 6-7G as I recall.  It takes a while to install it all.

I really doubt that that's what you want to do - this installs lots of 
server software - I'd really encourage you to install less - dpendent on 
your needs. The more packages you install, the more updates are 
required. I usually start with a workstation install, and then add 
things as I need them.

> Well I've done his several times and each time I go to use the updates, I
> find them broken.  I've seen (since July 30) problems with some polish
> update which can not resolve some issues and breaks the update process.
> I've seen situations of dependencies not satisfied.

It sounds like your problem is a broken mirror which yum is bailing out 
on. This shouldn't necessitate a reinstallation though. Perhaps if you 
detailed your yum setup to the list, we could help you through this.

> The short form - I've not been able to freshly install Fedora Core 4
> completely, with the Everything option used AND install all of the available
> updates, without some error or errors preventing the successful completion.

Again, try a lighter install initially. Everything else can be added later.

> So, I think, I did buy Fedora Core 3 books and it has been out a little
> longer, perhaps it may be actually stable and works now?

FC4, for me, has been rock solid. On 4 machines.

> Has anyone else recently installed Fedora Core 3 or 4 and installed
> Everything for the package option and successfully ran a full update on it
> after it was installed?  Success means all updates install, no dependency
> problems, no SElinux added warnings or errors after a reboot after the
> updates.

I have done 2 recent FC4 installs and updates with no problems. One was 
for a "workstation" install, the other a "custom" install. Many people 
worldwide are running FC4 with no problem, it's really not broken. As I 
said above, if you post some more details to the list, we can help you 
through this.


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