clamd handicraft work (Fedora Core 4)

Razvan Sandu rsandu at
Sun Aug 14 11:51:36 UTC 2005


After spending a few hours for configuring clamav + amavisd-new to set up a 
filter on my Postfix mail server, I have to agree with Nathan (please see   

that the actual clamav packages from Extras leave much to be desired... 
IMHO, they simply contradict the rpm paradigm.

For Fedora Core 3, I used to set up things as Jult described here:

using amavisd-new and clamav packages from DAG or Dries (which are 
different). The only annoying
thing here was that, from time to time, because of automatic updates, files 
get wrong permissions. However, IMHO, Dries version of clamav packages is 
much closer to what is supposed to be (at least from the users' point of 
view, not developers'...)

Starting with Fedora Core 4, situation is worse  (or, at least, more 
confusing) not only because clamav packages from Extras and DAG are 
incompatible, but
amavisd-new is not present in Extras. So a Fedora user which is determined 
to set up a mail filter using only Extras' version of the packages can't do 

Reading the discussions on fedora-extras-list I noticed that no one asked 
the pragmatic question:
"What is the exact procedure one must follow when setting up a an antivirus 
mail filter using clamav ?"

Because, beyond the theoretical discussions of how some package must be 
built, it is a matter of practical functionality - users just want to 
protect their networks with the (existing) Fedora gateways & mail servers 
using the simplest way, RPM-like, which is available to them...

Any idea ?

Dipl. Eng. Razvan SANDU <rsandu @>
Bucharest, Romania

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