blacklisting by SORBS

Thomas Zehetbauer thomasz at
Tue Aug 16 23:41:08 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 17:52 -0400, Glenn Meyer wrote:
> I beg to differ with you.   I use several for the incoming mail to my 
> home domain and by doing so we get almost zero spam and with a very 
> quick and easy one time and forget it configuration.

Shut down your SMTP and you won't get any spam either. It's all about
the collateral damage we are talking here.

I don't really care about the number of spam messages received unless
they pass through my spamassassin filter which in turn uses SORBS and
other DNS blocking lists to achieve a pretty good hit rate.

> On the flip side, I am part of a blocked ISP because of my dynamic IP.  
> However, I'll take this minor inconvenience (having to use CenturyTel's 
> smtp server) compared to spending hours configuring my mail server to 
> block what I can block with the DNS lists.

Using a centralized SMTP relay host only makes things worse.

I can guarantee that no spam is being sent from my IP but I cannot do
the same for my ISP's SMTP cluster which serves a few million customers.
I cannot even reasonably blame my ISP if they inadvertently provide
access to a spammer or some careless customer who runs a SMTP relay.

The only ones gaining advantage from us using our ISP's SMTP relay host
are the famous three letter agencies making it easier or even possible
for them to monitor out outgoing e-mail.


  T h o m a s   Z e h e t b a u e r   ( TZ251 )
  PGP encrypted mail preferred - KeyID 96FFCB89
      finger thomasz at for key

Nirvana: Zustand des Gluecks durch Ausloeschung des Selbst.

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