apt-get bombed

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at courier-mta.com
Fri Aug 19 23:12:25 UTC 2005

Rick Lim writes:

> During a apt-get -f upgrade I had a power failure.
> [ long story snipped ]
> Any ideas how to fix this ?????

You must use the following procedure exactly.  Otherwise you risk making 
things worse, and going from the frying pan into the fire:


$ touch /forcefsck

B) Reboot.  When rebooting, all your partitions will be fscked.  I do not 
trust ext3's journaling to preserve the integrity of the filesystem when you 
crash for these kinds of reasons.  Before doing anything else, it is 
imperative to verify that there's no corruption in your filesystem.

C) After rebooting:

rpm --rebuilddb

This verifies your RPM database's integrity

D) Finally, after all this, if your RPM database still contains duplicate 
package versions, follow the steps others have mentioned to clean this up.

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