Bugs in new kernels

John Wendel john.wendel at metnet.navy.mil
Fri Aug 19 23:23:09 UTC 2005

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> John Wendel wrote:
>>>Actually, I don't understand why people find the Fedora kernels
>>>so attractive.
>>>They are rarely any improvement on the standard kernels
>>>from http://www.kernel.org .
>>I've posted about this before, without any replies, so here I go again ...
>>I have been unable to get a kernel.org kernel to run correctly on FC4.
>>The same kernel configuration works fine on FC3. The last kernel I tried
>>I'd appreciate any tips you might have for getting a stock kernel running.
> I don't set up as a great expert on kernel compilation
> (or any computing subject, for that matter).
> But I guess you are asking me ...
> First of all, I gather your compilation went OK,
> but the compiled kernel does not run.
> If that is so, the problem probably lies in initrd.
> My procedure, in brief, is
>         make oldconfig xconfig
>         make
>         make modules_install
>         make install
> The last step runs mkinitrd (under Fedora),
> installs the initrd*.img in /boot ,
> and adds an appropriate entry to /etc/grub.conf .
> I think sometimes mkinitrd does not choose the right modules.
> In that case you could run linux under another kernel
> (assuming you have one that runs),
> add the required module(s) to /etc/modprobe.conf
> and then run mkinitrd yourself.
> Alternatively, some modules -
> such as ext2/ext3 and scsi if you have SCSI disks - 
> are better included in the kernel, IMHO,
> though I think in theory it should always be possible
> to include them in the initrd.
> Final remark: I always save all my old .config files,
> and load the most recent one when I run "make xconfig".
> This has become very simple with (fairly) recent kernels,
> with the window that comes up when you "make xconfig"
> being much easier to use than it used to be.
> I always say "make oldconfig xconfig",
> and just answer Yes to all the questions I am asked,
> and then load my previous config file.
> I'm not really sure if there is any merit
> in saying this rather than just "make xconfig".
> I think there were a couple of kernels some time ago
> when there were problems if one did not do this.
> I'd be interested to know if there is in fact
> any point in still saying "make oldconfig xconfig"
> (assuming one is going to load an old config anyway),
> or if it is just a fetish?
> Re the title "Bugs in new kernels"
> I've compiled most new kernels for some time,
> and haven't encountered anything I would describe as a bug.

Thanks for the good advice.

The last kernel I built ( will boot, but the network won't 
start. I didn't think to check the ram disk config for the proper 
network modules. I'll do that as soon as I can get to the machine.



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