RFT: update nvidia-glx packages for FC4 in livna

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Mon Aug 22 17:01:00 UTC 2005

Hi all!

I did a major update of the nvidia-glx packages for livna.org. The new
packages are available at:

(and hopefully soon in the x86_64 dir, too)

If you feel brave and want to help testing give them a try (The usual
rawhide warnings apply here; so run at your own risk; I everything is
fine those should be pushed to the normal livna-repository soon).

If you installed livna with the livna-release.rpm (
) then the following command should work to install those drivers

yum --enablerepo=livna-testing install nvidia-glx kernel-module-nvidia-glx-$(uname -r)

BTW1: Those who want to get announcements when major updates/discussions
happen around the package now can add their e-mail address to the
nvidia-glx announce bug in the Livna bugzilla:


(sub BTW: for those interested in ati-fglrx: subscribe to

BTW2: Upstream removed support for the following Cards/Chipsets in the
latest driver release afaik:

TNT2 Pro 
TNT2 Ultra 
TNT2 Model 64 (M64) 
TNT2 Model 64 (M64) Pro 
Vanta LT 
GeForce 256 
GeForce DDR 
GeForce2 GTS 
GeForce2 Pro 
GeForce2 Ti 
GeForce2 Ultra 
GeForce2 MX Integrated graphics
Quadro2 Pro 
Quadro2 EX

You got one of this cards and want to continue to use the nvidia-driver
with a nvidia-glx-legacy.rpm from livna? Then send me (in private) a
small note and I'll consider such a package for the future.

Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora at leemhuis.info>

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