Keychain works on tty, but not in Gnome

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu m3freak at
Mon Aug 22 18:56:07 UTC 2005

Hello all,

I've got a strange problem that I have not been able to resolve.

I use Keychain to cache my GPG key in order to ssh to various machines
without entering a password.  It's a handy tool and has always worked
well for me, until now.

I recently upgraded my laptop from FC3 to FC4 (new install).  Since I
have /home on a separate file system (i.e. partition), I was able to
keep my important data and user settings.

When I login to Gnome, Keychain fires up (because it's in
my .bash_profile), and requests the passphrase for the key I want to
cache.  However, when I try to ssh (using gnome-terminal) to a machine
where I have passwordless SSH setup, I receive a prompt from the foreign
host to enter my passphrase.

If I enter in the termainl, source .bash_profile, I can ssh to the
machine without entering my passphrase.  I did not have to do this in
the past.

Oddly, logging into my account from a tty, my .bash_profile is sourced
normally and I can immediately ssh to other machines without entering my

Here's my .bash_profile:

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH

# Keychain setup
keychain id_dsa
        . $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh

I've always used the Keychain rpm from the Gentoo project page for
Keychain.  However, in an attempt to resolve the problem, I've also
tried out Keychain RPMs from Dag's repo, but nothing has changed.

I'm really puzzled.  Why is my Keychain setup in .bash_profile not being
sourced completely when I login to my account via Gnome, but appears to
work okay when logging in via a tty (text)?  Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu
Systems Aligned Inc.

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