help with FC3 and Bugzilla Bug 161181 DNS truncation

Skunk Worx skunkworx at
Mon Aug 22 19:58:44 UTC 2005

Paul Howarth wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-08-21 at 16:54 -0700, Skunk Worx wrote:
>>My FC3 local caching DNS is placing the AUTHORITY section in the 
>>responses. I think this exceeds a certain size threshold and I get this :
>># dig @
>>;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
>>When I go directly to my ISP's dns, it is fine, I assume because there 
>>is no lengthy AUTHORITY section in their reply.
> What lengthy AUTHORITY section? I'm getting just this:
> ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 8, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3

So far I always get back AUTHORITY: 13 from my local caching DNS with 
lines in the form of :

.                       28240   IN      NS      A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

If I make an empty root.hints file I get SERVFAIL. If I try trimming 
down the root.hints file, or removing it, I get all 13 entries back.

Dig'ing directly to my ISPs DNS returns AUTHORITY: 0 (no list), so the 
size of the response is not big enough to trigger the glibc bug.

I've been fooling with the root.hints, zone and conf files and reviewing 
the caching DNS howto's (via google) but so far it's all or nothing (13 


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