How to unpack DVD movie to edit it's video/sound?

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Tue Aug 23 17:07:26 UTC 2005

Strong wrote:
> I wrote recently, but did get any respond, trying to rewrite another
> way...
> I have a DVD movie, that needs to be edited: video and sound.
> Thus the question is: what software i should use to unpack from its
> format to the format that will be operable for the video audio
> processing as the next step?
> Finally, i want to compile it in DVD format again. So, it will be nice
> to loose its quality minimally. Big thanks, for Your solutions!

Funny, it has been discussed a couple of times since your original post 
but in different threads.

This was from a thread on copying a DVD.
Here is a script I use for shrinking DVDs. Needs some work but you
should get the idea. You will need to d'load vobcopy, tcextract etc.

Using the tools mentioned and Audacity and avidemux2 or similar 
programs, you should be in business.

I have installed yumextender and this allows me to search through the 
various packages that are on the reposotiries that I use.  It makes it 
easier to browse the various and numerious packages that are available.

Basically, you have to convert the DVD vob files to a format that you 
can edit.

#! /bin/bash
cd /video
echo "Ripping DVD"
vobcopy -l /dev/hda -t movie
echo "Extracting Video"
tcextract -i movie*-1.vob -t vob -x mpeg2 > movie.m2v
echo "Extracting Audio"
tcextract -i movie*-1.vob -t vob -x ac3 -a 0 > movie.ac3
echo "Calculating Shrink Ratio"
rm movie*-1.vob
echo "Calculating Shrink Ratio"
M1=$(ls -l movie.m2v | awk '{ print $5 }')
M2=$(ls -l movie.ac3 | awk '{ print $5 }')
M3=$(echo 4600000000 - $M2 | bc)
M4=$(echo "scale = 2; $M1 / $M3 * 1.04" | bc)
echo "Movie size =" $M1
echo "Sound size =" $M2
echo "Blank - Sound size =" $M3
echo "Scale Factor =" $M4
echo "Shrinking For DVD-5"
tcrequant -i movie.m2v -o shrink.m2v -f $M4
echo "Deleting Video File"
rm movie.m2v
echo "Re-combining Video and Audio"
mplex -f 8 -o movie%d.mpg shrink.m2v movie.ac3
echo "Deleting Video File"
rm shrink.m2v
echo "Deleting Audio File"
rm movie.ac3
echo "Authoring DVD..."
dvdauthor -o output -x dvd.xml

Robin Laing
Instrumentation Technologist   Voice: 1.403.544.4762
Military Engineering Section   FAX:   1.403.544.4704
Defence R&D Canada - Suffield  Email: Robin.Laing at
PO Box 4000, Station Main      WWW:
Medicine Hat, AB, T1A 8K6

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