Samba and XP SP2 no love

Oliver Leitner shadow333 at
Tue Aug 23 19:38:58 UTC 2005

Hash: RIPEMD160
Guy Fraser wrote:

| On Thu, 2005-18-08 at 20:12 +0900, Information for Huge Designs
| wrote:
|> Hi All,
|> I am having ALOT of trouble getting samba working a FC4 system I
|> admin.
|> I have 10 XP SP2 clients all trying to log into the server. If I
|> go to map network drive I type the shares in like say
|> \\apollo.local\common the server returns a request for a user
|> name and password but even if I put the correct password in, it
|> just pops back with user name and password.
|> In the log files there is one for each machine but they are all
|> empty. In the smb.log then NMB.log is a littel diffrent it keeps
|> saying [root at apollo samba]# tail nmbd.log *****
|> Samba name server APOLLO is now a local master browser for
|> workgroup MYGROUP on subnet
|> ***** The MyGROUP is alittle troublesome cause if you look below
|> at the smb.conf I have clearly named it WORKGROUP
|> I have checked my smb config with testpram and it works fine the
|> server starts and is running.
|> Things I have tried, Turning off firewalls on both machines
|> creating new users and adding the users to samba users creating
|> new groups and adding the users to them
|> I can ping and telnet from each port nessecary and am really at a
|> loss for what I might be doing wrong.
|> any help would be appreciated.
|> E./ smb.conf
|> #======================= Global Settings
|> ===================================== [global] log file =
|> /var/log/samba/smb.log smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
|> name resolve order = wins lmhosts bcast socket options =
|> TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 preserve case = no
|> default case = lower username map = /etc/samba/smbusers domain
|> master = yes encrypt passwords = yes hosts allow = 192.168.1.
|> 192.168.11. 127. passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u wins support
|> = yes server string = apollo.local unix password sync = Yes local
|> master = yes workgroup = WORKGROUP debug level = 10 os level = 65
|>  security = user preferred master = yes [homes] comment = Home
|> Directories browseable = yes writable = yes
|> [Common] comment = Comon File Location path = /home/elleme/common
|>  read only = no public = yes write list = @elleme-users
|> [Work] comment = Working file locatio path = /home/elleme/work
|> read only = no public = yes write list = @elleme-users
| Rather than commenting on all the other comments so far, I'll just
| respond to the initial post.
| You probably want to use smbpasswd to set the "windows" password
| for the account.
| If you want a "GUI" to add users and maintian Samba, install
| webmin.
| I have a FC3 machine with Samba that I access regularly from XP Pro
| 2005. The samba passwords are stored in a different file than the
| unix passwords and are encrypted with a MD5 type hash by default.
| Hope this helps.
| You may also want to punch some holes in your firewall.
there is a registry setting with xp, that caused me some fun:

requiresignorseal is the key, it has to be 0 to work with samba, at
least it had to for me...

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