Starting mysql and sendmail

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at
Wed Aug 24 00:36:02 UTC 2005

Am Di, den 23.08.2005 schrieb Dotan Cohen um 23:33:

> I just installed php, mysql, apache, and sendmail from Add Packages,
> using the FC4 disks. I have got apache up and can serve php pages on
> localhost. I need to access mysql and sendmail, and am having little
> luck finding information on the web.

There are updates available for PHP, Apache and MySQL. To avoid being
hacked you are encouraged to update first.

> I started apache with "service httpd start" and sendmail with "service
> sendmail start" but "service mysql start" isn't quite working. How is
> mysql called? Also, I need to add a user to mysql, but even the
> tutorial on the mysql assmes that a user was created in installation,
> and does not show how to create one! How can I create a user? The
> answer is not in man mysql or man mysqladmin. I asked in the mysql
> list about two hours ago, but I have yet to recieve a response. I am
> not impatient, but I figure that _may_ be on-topic enough for this
> list, as I surely am not the first to install mysql from the FC4
> disks.

The service is called "mysqld" and requires the mysql-server package to
be installed.
The root user is already installed, it just has no password set. So your
first step is to set one. Be aware that MySQL's root != system's root.

> Although I get no output when I start sendmail, I cannot send mail
> using php's mail() function. No error, but no mail. Also, no error in
> the apache log. Should I ask what to check on the php-general list, or
> is it on-topic here? If so, what to check?

Better avoid using PHP's mail() function. This said to be able to ship
around typical problem when trying to create valid mails from PHP.
Please see the mail() function documentation at and the comments
by other users.
Your problem is probably caused by SELinux being in action.

> Dotan


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG 0xB366A773
legal statement:
Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux on Athlon with kernel 2.6.11-1.35_FC2smp 
Serendipity 02:28:51 up 1 day, 23:12, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.05 
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