audacity says, Segmentation fault

Michael Schwendt mschwendt.tmp0501.nospam at
Thu Aug 25 11:33:18 UTC 2005

On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 00:10:05 +0700, Strong wrote:

> I just installed it from rpm, and this is what i got. I know what it
> means, but it is weird to note that the programs that came from my
> distribution CDs work quet well when taken from other places - do not! -
> I do not believe it is the hardware problem, so can change the situatuin
> by somehow?

I'm interested in the following details from you:

1. rpm --query audacity libid3tag libstdc++ glibc

2. The fully unedited output of this (all in one line):

   ldd $(which audacity) | awk -F' ' '{ print $1 }' | 
   xargs rpm --query --whatprovides | sort | uniq

3. A full backtrace done with gdb. You need to install the
   corresponding audacity-debuginfo package for that.

Else it's impossible to comment on your vague message.

Michael Schwendt <mschwendt at>
Fedora Core release 5 (Development) - Linux 2.6.12-1.1505_FC5
loadavg: 4.45 4.29 3.98
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