firefox-1.0.6-1.1.fc3 & EMFILE

P. Thompson ptfedora2 at
Thu Aug 25 18:13:34 UTC 2005

I opened a bug report with the Fedora maintainers for a problem I've 
observed with Firefox.  I am wondering if anyone else has noticed this.
Basically, the browser keeps opening pipes without ever closing them until 
the maximum open file limit is hit for the user and then the browser exits 
with a EMFILE (Too many open files)

It seems to be the most recent version of firefox-1.0.6-1.1.fc3 that I've 
noticed it with.

If you run firefox for a while with the command
perl -e 'while (1) { sleep 10;system("lsof | grep firefox | wc -l");}'
running in a xterm does the count go up until your ulimit -n 
limit is reached like mine?

Here is the bug

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