
Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at uni-x.org
Mon Aug 29 16:07:09 UTC 2005

Am Mo, den 29.08.2005 schrieb Albert A. Modderkolk um 17:54:

> I would like to make a cron ntpdate job but I know that I have to open a
> certain port.  Which is it and how do I do that?
> Tia, Albert

First part of your question: to learn fishing yourself :)

  grep ntp /etc/services

That will show you the port that service (NTP) will use.

Second question part: the default firewalling setup Fedora ships with
allows running ntpdate without need for modification of this
firewalling. Simply use "ntpdate -u" to use an unprivileged high port
for outgoing communication of ntpdate with the target time server, which
will be contacted at port 123 (asynchronous communication, like if you
surf to a website with your browser, the port used on your side is a
random high port, though the target webserver port is commonly port 80).



Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG http://pgp.mit.edu 0xB366A773
legal statement: http://www.uni-x.org/legal.html
Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux on Athlon with kernel 2.6.11-1.35_FC2smp 
Serendipity 18:00:35 up 7 days, 14:44, load average: 0.17, 0.15, 0.12 
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