Linux newbie question: problems using XDMCP to remotely start KDE session from a Windows PC

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Thu Dec 1 14:44:35 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 05:31, Sundarapandian A wrote:
> There is one more easy way of doing this. Just follow the steps below
> 1) Make sure you have XFree86 with cygwin is installed on your XP, ssh
> is available on XP machine <you can use telnet also>, X server is
> running on linux/unix host, sshd is running on linux/unix host.
> 2) Make sure your <cygwin dir>/usr/X11R6/bin is specified in PATH then
> start X Windows using the command "XWin.exe -fullscreen -clipboard
> -unixkill -nowinkill"
> 3) Now you will get XWindows sceen without any applications or window
> (You can use ALT+TAB to switch between windows and XWindows)
> 4) Start xterm on your XP machine (terminal will appear on xwindow screen)
> 5) On the command prompt of xterm say "xhost <linux/unix server name or IP>"
> 6) Now on xterm type the command "ssh <username at linux/unix
> servername>" enter password to complete the login
> 7) On the xterm now type "export DISPLAY=<windows XP hostname/IP>:0.0
> 8) Now on xterm execute "startkde &"
> 9) Boooom!! now you'll see KDE on your XP machine!!!!
>      To check if your sshd is running on your linux/unix machine use
> command "service sshd status". If not running start it by "service
> sshd start".

Two other ways:
Run gdmconfig on the linux side, click the XDMPC tab and enable
XMDPC logins.
On the windows side run
Xwin -query linux_server
You should get a graphic login prompt.
This gives you a complete Linux desktop in what appears as one
MS window.  Note that you have to disable the XP firewall for
this to work.

>From a cygwin bash prompt on the windows side:
export DISPLAY=:0
Xwin -clipboard -multiwindow &
ssh -y linux_server
  log in, start X program(s) by typing their names
Each program started should open in it's own individual
window on your desktop and appear like separate MS programs.
Note that you can run 'nautilus' and get what looks like
the desktop without menus or task bars, and you can then
start programs which have launchers in the filesystem (and
you can create these easily by dragging them off the gnome
menu during a normal login).  Programs started this way
also get their own window. I'm not sure if there is a KDE

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at

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