Linux newbie question: problems using XDMCP to remotely start KDE session from a Windows PC

Sundarapandian A sundarapandian at
Fri Dec 2 11:46:09 UTC 2005

You are right Nigel. Telnet is not secure but ssh will not let you down.


On 12/2/05, Nigel Wade <nmw at> wrote:
> Sundarapandian A wrote:
> > There is one more easy way of doing this. Just follow the steps below
> >
> > 1) Make sure you have XFree86 with cygwin is installed on your XP, ssh
> > is available on XP machine <you can use telnet also>, X server is
> > running on linux/unix host, sshd is running on linux/unix host.
> > 2) Make sure your <cygwin dir>/usr/X11R6/bin is specified in PATH then
> > start X Windows using the command "XWin.exe -fullscreen -clipboard
> > -unixkill -nowinkill"
> > 3) Now you will get XWindows sceen without any applications or window
> > (You can use ALT+TAB to switch between windows and XWindows)
> > 4) Start xterm on your XP machine (terminal will appear on xwindow screen)
> > 5) On the command prompt of xterm say "xhost <linux/unix server name or IP>"
> > 6) Now on xterm type the command "ssh <username at linux/unix
> > servername>" enter password to complete the login
> > 7) On the xterm now type "export DISPLAY=<windows XP hostname/IP>:0.0
> > 8) Now on xterm execute "startkde &"
> > 9) Boooom!! now you'll see KDE on your XP machine!!!!
> Boooom!! - anyone else who can login to your Linux box can see everything you
> do, and type. Only do this if security isn't an issue for you.
> --
> Nigel Wade, System Administrator, Space Plasma Physics Group,
>              University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
> E-mail :    nmw at
> Phone :     +44 (0)116 2523548, Fax : +44 (0)116 2523555
> --
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