
Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sun Dec 4 09:24:18 UTC 2005

CodeHeads wrote:
>>>> I had a networked printer from linux to linux working. The print 
>>>> server is running FC4 and the laptop was running FC4 also. I redid 
>>>> the laptop to FC2. and now I am getting errors of "Unable to get 
>>>> printer status Client-error-forbidden".

A prior message gave you just about all that you should need to get
printing working.

First, on the machine that the printer is actually connected to, set up
the printer so that it works locally.  The last time I did this I didn't
use the printer configuration GUI, I used the CUPs web interface:


Secondly, on the client machines all you should need to do is open
the /etc/cups/client.conf file in an text editor and enter in the
address for the print server.  Then they'll just use the server, with
whatever the print server is configured to do.  They don't care where
the printer is.

Thirdly, you may need to make sure that your firewall isn't getting in
the way (trust the network between the two machines).

Fourthly, you *may* need to modify the /etc/cups/cupds.conf file on the
server to allow the local network to use it.  I seem to recall having to
do this myself.

e.g. Adding some:  Allow From @LOCAL
     configuration options in appropriate sections, such as inside:

       <Location />
         Order Deny,Allow
         Deny From All
         Allow From
         Allow From @LOCAL

The bottom of that file looks like this, on my server (note the

# End of "$Id:,v 1.17 2005/01/03 19:29:45 mike Exp $".
# Lines below are automatically generated - DO NOT EDIT
Browsing On
BrowseProtocols cups
BrowseOrder Deny,Allow
BrowseAllow from @LOCAL

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