Getting a text file rid of all superfluous blank lines

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Mon Dec 5 22:01:07 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 13:39, Mike McCarty wrote:

> But, as I said, different strokes for different folks.
> I know quite a few people who have as their first reaction
> to anything a script, others think awk always fits, and
> others like perl.
> Some prefer C, since it goes anywhere, even where *NIX systems
> do not. Like very small embedded systems.

Agreed... But the perspective for my choice is that I spent a
few days perhaps 20 years ago learning regular expressions and
shell syntax (pipes, redirection, variable substitution, etc.)
and those things have saved me time nearly every working day
since, with a few new features to learn showing up every 5 years
or so.  I spent several months around the same time learning C,
had to learn a lot over between K&R and ANSI and haven't used it
much since machines got fast enough to start perl before I lifted
my finger off the <enter> key (but it is still handy to know).

And in contrast I can't think of much of anything reusable
I've learned about GUI procedures. It's like starting from
scratch with every new program and context.

   Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at

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