load average above 4

sharif islam sharif.islam at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 20:40:06 UTC 2005

I was copying some large files (1 GB each) via scp and noticed the
load went up. I also noticed this in the log:
"mtrr: type mismatch for fd000000,800000 old: uncachable new: write-combining"
top - 14:30:27 up  2:24,  5 users,  load average: 4.47, 2.65, 1.16
Tasks: 112 total,   4 running, 108 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 37.1% us, 17.2% sy,  0.0% ni, 36.3% id,  8.7% wa,  0.7% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:   4025072k total,  4009104k used,    15968k free,     3108k buffers
Swap:  2040212k total,      152k used,  2040060k free,  3838652k cached

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in    cs us sy id wa
 5  0    152  17104   3448 3837272    0    0   252   294   68   453  8  7 84
 2  1    152  16856   3440 3835980    0    0 14990 38994 1398  7416 35 17 44
 3  0    152  15728   3432 3839108    0    0 14608    94 1385  7387 33 15 44

Any tips to some tests to figure out whats going on? I am using kernel

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