using PGP with this list

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Thu Dec 15 11:27:28 UTC 2005

>>> Please, please, please stop PGP'ing your messages. It makes it very
>>> hard to read them.

François Patte:
>> I promise...!

Nathan Grennan:
> I don't think you should have to stop using gpg on your messages. They 
> are perfectly readable to me. Plus it helps prove the message came from 
> you. If people let others use lame excuses to get them to stop using gpg 
> for e-mail then we will never get anywhere with it.

I'm in two minds about PGP on here.

On the one hand I don't mind the idea that people sign messages to *try*
and confirm the message is from who you think it is, though I see a few
that register as invalid (not just untrusted, but "the message may have
been modified in transit warnings" occur).

Then on the other hand, each time I come across a signed message I face
a long what while gnupg tries to fetch the public key to go with the
message.  That process is none-too-quick, and grinds to a halt if I'm
reading mail while YUM (for example) is doing stuff in the background.

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.
I read messages from the public lists.

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