mail server

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Thu Dec 15 12:30:07 UTC 2005

>> Quick question: Does Dovecot support multiple domains?

Les Mikesell:
> Dovecot is an imap server.  You connect to it and it shows the
> local mailbox files for your login.  It doesn't know or care
> about the names used to get the files there.

It might care if you're using SSL certificates with it.

But the question is double-edged.  They might be referring to it
handling mail for one person that has multiple accounts with different
domains.  I do that with mine, fetchmail gets all the mail and
determines who's the local recipient for each one.  Dovecot just holds
each users local store.

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.
I read messages from the public lists.

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