ssh security

Christian Motta chris at
Tue Dec 27 01:42:27 UTC 2005

I wrote this script to thwart the brute force ssh hackers.  It isn't the 
most efficient but it works. it blocks their ip using iptables. I run it 
every min via cron



$lines=5000; #lines to tail
$pos=10; #count lines that are positive to kick ip

$log=`tail -n $lp /var/log/secure | grep 'Failed password' | tail -n 

@nage = split (/\n/,$log);
foreach $ip (@nage) {
        $ip=~ /(\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*)/;
        push @ips,$1;


#gets a unique ip list
foreach $snip (@ips) {
        while (@ips_1[$n]) {
                if ($snip == $ips_1[$n]) {
                        if ($t==0) { #print "$snip==$ips_1[$n]\n";
                                foreach $cnip (@sips) {
                                        if ($snip==$cnip) {
                                if ($move==0) {
                                        push @sips, $snip;

#takes the unique list and counts against the full ip list
foreach $nip (@sips) {
        while (@ips_2[$n]) {
                if ($nip==@ips_2[$n]) {$m++;}
        if ($pos<$m) {
                if ($nn==0) {
                        $cur=`/sbin/iptables -L -n`;
                if ($cur!~/$nip/) {`/sbin/iptables -t filter -I INPUT -s 
$nip -j DROP`;}

Gerald wrote:

>good suggestion.. I limited the users and restricted root.
>does anyone know how to change the defualt "login as:" banner to something else?
>On 12/26/05, Mail List <lists at> wrote:
>>On Monday 26 December 2005 00:24, Gerald wrote:
>>>It looks like i'm getting a dictionary attack on my system. I moved
>>>ssh to another port instead of 22 in hopes that would put a halt to it
>>  You probably don't want to advertise the port you chose either as per your
>>   You may also wish to set:
>>     PermitRootLogin no
>>     AllowUsers gerald other1 other2 etc
>>  (i.e. limit to users you care about with known strong passwords or keys only
>>as someone else suggested).
>>  DUmb question - did you service sshd restart to make sure your changes were
>>picked up?
>> \g/
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