Why questions don't get answered, or "No, I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 30 06:37:38 UTC 2005

From: "Mike McCarty" <mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net>

> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> Hi
>>> I think you do miss the point, actually. Since FC release is time-driven
>>> rather than QA-driven, it is a test package.
>> Its time driven but not rigid. Releases have been postponed for better 
> You very clearly did not respond to the point of my message. I said
> that you are conflating internal and external nomenclature, which point
> you either totally missed, or deliberately chose not to address.
> I probably will not be participating any further in this discussion, as
> I've already been around this particular mulberry bush more often than
> is probably warranted.
> You continue to use what would be, in any reasonable discussion of
> QA, a contrived definition of terms.
> Mike

Fedora, being an open project with some seed funding from RH, probably
considers all users as being "inside" since the project has no real
outside, just some people who are less inside than others.


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