Zoom ADSL /router Fedora Home Lan SETUP HELP Fedora4 /WinXP ;

Mirco Scara mircobeaker at hotpop.com
Fri Dec 30 14:54:32 UTC 2005

Hi there guys,
I urgently need advice on how to set up a home network between 2 
computers both dual bootingWINXP and Fedora 4 both on separate internal 
hard disks.
Both are connected via ethernet to a ZOOM adsl router and the router is 
obviously connected to a hub/switch from which the two separate ethernet 
cables go to the two separate ethernet cards on the two separate computers.
Now the problem is:

Both computers can get connected to the internet at one time but never 
together at the same time.

Is there any document on the net I can read so that I can shed some 
light onto this LAN TUNNELL??????



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