Fwd: How can i find out, what files a RPM is provding?

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at prodigy.net.mx
Tue Feb 1 01:41:54 UTC 2005

David Hoffman wrote:

>On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:03:30 -0700 (GMT-07:00), James Mckenzie
><jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>Don't you have to install an additional .rpm to get this functionality?  I had to, just in case the .rpm was not installed on my system.  Details are in the archive on installation of the appropriate files.
>I've never heard that. The query function is a standard function of
>RPM. If you have RPM installed (and you should) then you should be
>able to perform any queries of your RPM packages.
>Try rpm -? for additional help.
>rpm -q  = query mode
>--whatprovides is an argument to the query mode that tells RPM to look
>at it's own data and tell you which packages provided a particular
>For example, I want to know what package I installed that provided me
>with libmysqlclient.so.10:
>rpm -q --whatprovides libmysqlclient.so.10
>Then it gives me back an answer:
>So any file that is installed from an RPM package can be queried this
>way to let you know which package installed the file.
>I didn't have to add any additional packages to be able to do this
>query -- or at least none that I intentionally added.
>There are only 10 kinds of people in this world,
>those who understand binary, and those who don't.
What about rpm -qpl /path/to/package.rpm?
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