SUID/GUID files search !

fly over fly_over at
Tue Feb 1 11:05:45 UTC 2005

Hi guys, 
i'm trying to write a script for following purpose.

shell program will be used by Linux/Unix sysadmins to search for SUID/SGID files. The default directory to search is the present working directory, however, the user may include a directory name on the command line as an alternative. Also, if the user includes the argument '-R' then the search should include all subdirectories recursively. Also, the '-G' argument will include SGID files which by default are not shown. The output of the script should show the absolute pathname of the file and the owner.

Please help me in performin such task.

i'm trying using this line:

ls -l | awk '{print $1}' | grep s
it just prints the permissions having s bit.

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