gnome-terminal and ^] telnet escape character

Christopher Calzonetti ccalzone at
Tue Feb 1 17:16:07 UTC 2005

Forgive me asking this question, if it's been asked many many times 
before.  Searching on google tends to cause the non alphabetic 
characters to be ignored, so I just get general results about 

Whenever I telnet to a remote machine (as an example, to test a mail 
server for some configuration or other:  telnet 25) I 
always see the usual "Connected to, Escape character is 

When I'm just in an xterm window, or on the console, I can then hit 
CTRL-], and get the telnet command prompt.  But with gnome-terminal, the 
key combination seems to be ignored.  I tried turning off all keyboard 
shortcuts to see if there was something interferring, but to no avail.

Anyone know what is causing this?

Christopher Calzonetti, MFCF C&O Software Specialist
     mailto:ccalzone at math.uwaterloo,ca   phone:+1 519 885-1211 x7516

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