OO is not written in java. Can't the sucks threads DIE ALREADY??

Walter Francis wally at theblackmoor.net
Wed Feb 2 16:21:24 UTC 2005

> > But I hear from the usual unreliable sources that OpenOffice is
> > written in Java. So if OpenOffice is part of Fedora it seems to me its
> > a Fedora problem also. There is no question in my experience that an
> > installation of everything thing in the FC3 (or even FC2)
> > distribution) leads to a bloated system. And saying  XP systems after
> > SP2 are also bloated does not make me feel better.
> I haven't heard that OO is written in Java.  Even if it is - one third-party 
> application does not make the whole distro suck.

What a bunch of stupid crap, of course OO isn't written in Java, you don't
have to have Java installed to use it, so how could it be written in

I wish this thread would DIE.

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